Software Developer
Hello, my name is John Mansell. I'm a software developer.
For the last 5 years I have been traveling around the world with my wife working remotely as a software developer.
From :: Irvine, California
while( traveling )
remote_programming = true;
pursue_job( self_driving_cars );
Hello, my name is John Mansell. I'm a software developer.
For the last 5 years I have been traveling around the world with my wife working remotely as a software developer.
From :: Irvine, California
A self-driving car powered by code written by our team of 5 students.
Created a path planner which plans and executes safe and smooth trajectories for the car to follow. The car had to account for other cars and obey traffic laws while maintaining a comfortable experience.
Implimented model predictive control to drive the car around the track. The simulator provided waypoints and the program plotted a smooth, acurate path.
Impliment a PID controller in C++ to maneuver the vehicle around the track. The simulator provides the cross track error (CTE) and the velocity (mph) in order to compute the appropriate steering angle.
Pixel by Pixel image mapping using a Fully Confolutional Neural Network
Detect and label vehicles from a video stream using HOG features.
Utilized a Kalman filter to extimate the state of a car with noisy lidar and radar measurements.
Utilized an Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate the state of a car with noisy lidar and radar measurements
Using noisy sensor data and a particle filter, localize a car.
Used neural networks to clone driving behavior.
Built a neural network that can identify traffic signs from the German Traffic Sign Database with an accuracy of 95%.
Used computer vision techniques to identify lane lines on a curving highway. Also calculated road curvature and distance from center.
First project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car NanoDegree. Created a pipeline to process images and identify the location of lane lines.
A mobile app to help customers of Living Fruits Blueberries create orders.
This app tracks the rolls and distribution of European roulette